“I started True Touch as a way to give back to horses for all that they have given me.”
My respect and admiration for horses was ignited as a teenager. Driving through the New Mexican desert I happened upon a band of wild horses moving gracefully across the horizon. The sight of them sparked something in me that has remained in my heart like a beacon ever since.
It wasn’t until many years later, however, that horses would come back into my life in a much more meaningful way. My daughter, at the time just fourteen years old, was suffering from severe depression and anorexia. It was devastating. The person I loved more than anything was slipping away. Purely on a whim we decided to go horseback riding, neither of us having much experience in the saddle. As we rode, the joy and wonder that my daughter had always worn in her eyes began to return. Simply being in the presence of those horses was transformative.
For years afterward I dedicated myself to becoming a better horseman, but it wasn’t until I discovered the Masterson Method that I found the tools needed to truly repay the debt that I owed. When I first saw the work put into practice I was moved beyond words. The effect it had on the horses was a revelation. I committed myself to becoming a certified practitioner.
Horses saved my daughter, and in doing so they saved me. When I enter a stall to work with a horse it is with undying gratitude. To help them find peace in their bodies, to help restore balance and natural movement, is to me the greatest gift I can give. I feel honored to do it.
The Masterson Method
The Masterson Method® is an interactive method of bodywork that follows your horse’s responses to specific techniques, using both touch and movement to find and release tension in key junctions of the body.
So, what are these key junctions and why are they important?
I’m glad you asked. Repetitive work, pain, lameness, or compensation for any discomfort can cause tension patterns to develop in muscles and connective tissues. This tension can restrict movement in your horse’s joints negatively affecting his or her comfort and performance, as well as resulting in perceived behavior problems.
In the Masterson Method® we address this by focusing on the three key junctions of the body that most affect performance. These are:
I like to think of these junctions as the points that form your horse’s own unique constellation. When tension is released in any of these areas, tension is also released in muscles and connective tissue in the surrounding areas, restoring balance and range of motion. In other words, the stars align!
Better Balance. Better Performance. Happier Horses!